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Pay attention ladies…..

for those new MAMAs joining our community

As new MAMAs  join our page, we grow into an even bigger community of judgemental women! This is exciting!

I want to *gently* inform our ‘newcomers’ how our “community” works. We are about educating and supporting women in Birthing our way or the highway! We’re all different, are on our own journeys and have different experiences. We’re respectful of that and supportive of each other’s choices. However please remember that my way is *really* the only “right” way…

What has been so amazing about BWFOD is how wonderfully this has worked. As we grow though, new mamas join the page and do not realize the tone of our community. This is not like other FB pages where things are posted for debate. Mamas post looking for support here and we give it. Different experiences and opinions are always welcome as long as they are to support and are respectful. By support, I of course mean support of anything not mainstream. mainstream people are really sheeple. They need to MOOve on off this site.

If someone wants to debate or discuss an issue they can start a discussion under the Discussions tab. Please use discretion in where and how you post. The amount of love and support given on this page has been immense and I have worked so hard to make sure our community maintains this feeling of compassion and support (by banning more people than not)

At this point, I have to say it. If anyone is disrespectful, rude, uses name calling or attacks me or anyone else, they will be banned…first offense. I, like any good queen rule with an iron fist… I have dedicated more time than many know because I want so badly to support women to Birth Without Fear Of Dissent. I am not sure where my children have run off to, but since we unschool i am sure they will be fine…..but, anyhow— I will not tolerate this behavior and will not let a few people undo what thousands of us have so beautifully done for almost a year now.

Also, I don’t tell women to do anything, i merely inform them and wait for them to see the light!  With all of that, I support women in their choices even if they are different than my beliefs. But , please-if i do not agree with you–move on mama, you are no MAMA. This is how we support each other to Birth Without Fear of Dissent…. This is how we make a difference-one stretched vagina at a time!

Please mamas, take advantage of this page. Enjoy the love and support women truly can give each other. It is an amazing experience. ♥


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